Without Prejudice The World Is In Danger When June O’Sullivan LEYF Takes My Homemade Books On Camera Decides To Use Hate Crime To Ruin Me Because She Turn Psychopath After MBE 28/10

Hi Terry

I am interested in the workshops because I am working on a new website with input from my daughter-in-law. The aim of the website is providing support network via the Multigenerational Working Approach. I will be applying knowledge from my qualifications as a graduate. And undertaking trainings to enhance and update to changes in current Rules of Law.

My knowledge range from the Early Years Sector, Learning Support Assistant, Volunteering with SEND and doing trainings with Dementia Friends. I am/was Research Participant: Employment, Mental Health and Diabetes. I can be found on the internet taking part in Fundraising and Charity Events.

I have participated with Cardboard Citizens on the Aylesbury Project as a member of Pembroke House Volunteer. I done the FORUM THEATRE 6 Day Training Course in the Walworth Living Room.

I am one of the Narrators on https://www.facebook.com/PembrokeHouse/videos/302334554093821/? I have been publishing stories from I set up my website in 2012 with www.adwords.google.com and because I refuse to accept DISCRIMINATION, second time. After second miscarriage of justice I am the target of HATERS.

I want to continue sharing to help others whose rights have been taken away. I am a Social Commentator who was an INFLUENCER before I was targeted by my former employers. I have been on Sky News, published in Nursery World Magazine, page1 of ITV News for Windrush 70. This can be verified on the web/internet.

I am a member of choirs and was sponsored to do Introduction to Acting at Morley College by Cardboard Citizens.

Of interests in getting published in South London Press in 2004 when I was defrauded by BANKS!   


Mervelee Myers.     

Without Prejudice How Many Damilola Taylor Will Have To Die Before The Young Are Educated About Discrimination That Ruin Lives And Destroy Families 28/10

Since I warned that I will lodge a Complaint until I get response let me continue. The following is Facebook Memories spanning 10 years.
It was whilst engaging in a Zoom Training I realised how I was empowered by www.leyf.org.uk and after using my IP/CPPDP to build their BRAND I was disempowered that caused me to be in captivity for 6+ years.

I exhausted the HMCTS and was advised to go to CCMCC and they discriminated rejecting my CLAIMS until I was sent to County Court at Clerkenwell & Shoreditch that continued. In the end they cooked up with the CLCC to send my CLAIMS for Civil District Judge to impose Restraint Order. Using Barrister Samantha Jones as Test Case, with her advocating on behalf of John Fenton. How did she know about my other CLAIMS? There was the case of HHJ Dight with the MISCONDUCT. He was switched with HHJ Parfitt with on Mr Bradley informed. Here is my Argument against HHJ Parfitt – You Lost The ET/EAT.
As I said in previous complaints I did not lose the ET/EAT.

It has come to my attention that The Public Law Commission has published its consultation for a review into hate crime law in England and Wales. I happen to fall in 2 of the 5 Protected Characteristics that the ET/EAT conspired against me with 2 miscarriages of justice.
My RACISM claims was strike out repeatedly after Judge Baron recognize me on 15/3/2016 at the ET.
The Disability claims was a Case Management by Judge Elliott, which the Respondent failed to comply with. I handed my Medical Report to Judge Freer in Court on 20/12/2016. He is obviously a LIAR whose HATE CRIME in the Judgement made me a VICTIM.

Justice Simler sent my Claim to EAT re DISABILITY. So how can Judge Shanks think he can get away saying I made up Disability? That is another Hate Crime. How Can Justice Simler say Paul Kernaghan The Judicial Ombudsman deal with fact after I used http://www.ico.org.uk SAR? What fact did she deal with when sending my Claims to the EAT?

HHJ Parfitt was sent to the CLCC to continue the DISCRIMINATION and here are the fact: 1. Saying I can sit if it makes me comfortable. Why did he think sitting would benefit me if I did not have DISABILITY? 2. Saying he understands my Childhood Traumas, but the Medical Report say I was doing okay. Why did he think I needed CBT after getting a Long Service Award from LEYF? 3. Saying the email from Bar Standards Board was about a REVIEW. Is this not proof of how the Legal Systems operate and treating VULNERABLE People? 4. Saying I have no say in the matter of the Judgement to pay back my money. Ryan Clement a Member of Judiciary of England & Wales have freedom to act unprofessionally. It was Bianca Porter from Court Enforcement Services Ltd who said he is a Career Criminal. She must know who they are and expect me to pay her to abort the CLAIM.

My CASE is classic of how VULNERABLE are targets. Because after Samantha Jones made up a Contagious Disease to opt out of attending Court. She told the ET PANEL she did not prepare a CASE. She was given a REFERENCE to be on Grenfell Tower Inquiry. But the 6 Line Reference from LEYF flagging SAFEGUARDING condemn me to a life of UNEMPLOYEMENT. And Statistic 1 in 5 of all suicides associated with unemployment. This was used to make false report and sending POLICE to section me.

All of the above are HATE CRIME. HHJ Parfitt compounded the DISCRIMINATION at CLCC on 2/9/2020. How long will CLCC take to call up the other CLAIMS?